Industry News
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From January to April China's furniture export growth in 10 years2021-05-27国家海关总署公布了今年4月份和1-4月累计进出口数据,一些家具出口相关的主要信息...
China's furniture export "production capacity can not keep orders growth speed"2021-05-27总体来看,今年1-4月,我国外贸进出口总值11 62万亿元,同比增28 5%,规模创历史...
Vietnam and EU furniture export zero tariffs or will come, EVFTA Trade Agreement2021-05-27近日,越南批准了与欧盟的一项重要贸易协议,该项协议旨在促进越南的制造工业和出...
How Americans throw away $ 50 billion in furniture industry2021-05-272009年7月,一本名为《家具战争:美国人怎样丢掉了500亿美元的产业》(《The Furni...